Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas 09

Waiting to see if Santa has been
Santa has been...

Liam started eating first thing...

and eating....but I think it was chapstick

and eating....
still eating......

Not so interested in presents....just eating.

still eating!
Cool present from Granny and Granda

dancing to the handy manny tool set from Granny Sinclair

That was a tough one to big

cool celtic top

jack was excited about everything this year....even clothes!

Liam loves his music

Presents from anutie carol and uncle nigel

playing new DS games first thing

since it was a white christmas the boys went sledding and played in the snow on christmas day and the day after.

Jack's 6th birthday

Playing musical statues at the party

opening presents

starwars cake

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Halloween 09

It must have been a land shark costume...

Liam was a shark....picked it out himself

Jack, Emma, and Ethan

Jack was a clone trooper

Liam's 2nd Birthday

One bouncy castle...ready for lots of crazy kids

The party guests

Liam loved his cake....he blew out the candles at least 5 times.


Thank you to Dane for my money

Liam was good about saying thank you to everyone...

so cute!

Luckily the rain stayed away so we could have the BBQ and party outside like we had planned.